Menopause and Mental Health

Published: 06/04/2023

Tips to aid in Reducing Depression and Anxiety

Oestrogen has a major impact on all aspects of the body, including the brain and mood. When the  levels of Oestrogen drop in peri/menopause the effect for the individual can be quite dramatic. 

“I think I may be suffering with early Dementia” is a statement made by many individuals aged 40 - 55 years, often not giving menopause a second thought. Symptoms can include memory loss; brain fog;  low mood/depression; mood swings; anxiety amongst others. 

The result of this, if left untreated, can be catastrophic for the individual and those around them. In a  study in 2018 conducted by the Office of National Statistics, suicide rates in females were highest  amongst women aged 45-49 years. It is not a coincidence that this is often the age when individuals  start to experience peri-menopause.  

Other negative experiences related to menopause-related mental health issues include job loss and career interruption; family breakdown and divorce.  

Employers need to recognise the impact that menopause has on mental health, and show support by making adjustments in the workplace (more below) and proving 1-1 virtual support for employees via myTamarin

What can be done to help?

There are things that can help. Some GPs will reach for the prescription pad but often for anti-depressants which are unlikely to help if the mental health issues are because of Menopause. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is designed to replace the Oestrogen the body has lost and once the dosage has been adapted to an individual’s needs, relief from mental health symptoms  occurs.  

It can take 3-6 months for symptoms to be managed and the medication may need tweaking, but with  patience and understanding from the individual and support from their healthcare professional relief  happens.  

Some individuals may not be able or want to take HRT but that does not mean they have to suffer.  There are things that can be done to help the individual themselves and with advice and support from Health. 

Maintaining a healthy diet is something we should all be doing but it is especially important for the peri/menopause. Fruit, vegetables and wholegrains are essential for regulating mood, along with protein-rich foods like eggs and oily fish will help, too. Eating probiotics, e.g. Kombucha, Kimchi, Kefir, etc and prebiotics, e.g., oats, bananas, beans, etc is believed to help raise mood, as well.

Eat regular, balanced meals, maintain good hydration and avoid caffeine and saturated fats as well as  minimising alcohol consumption will all help. Stopping smoking will help overall health, as well. 

Does exercise help too?

Increasing and maintaining good amounts of exercise each week will not only help lift your mood but  will help maintain a healthy weight which can be a problem in the peri/menopause. Exercise causes  the body to release endorphins, or “Happy Hormones” which naturally lift mood. 

The NHS recommends adults between 18-64 years should undertake daily “exercise” where the  breathing and heart rates are increased. This can include walking to work or getting off public  transport 1 or 2 stops early, cycling to shops or friends, etc. It does not mean going to an expensive  gym every day...unless that is what you prefer! 

Recommended duration is 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week is enough to aid health and mood. Strength exercises, e.g., weight training, Pilates, yoga will help strengthen muscle and bones, aerobic exercise, e.g., running, walking, cycling, swimming, etc will help  with cardiovascular health and stretching, e.g., yoga, Pilates, will help with relaxation and recovery.  All will help with mental health issues. 

Talking therapies, especially Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, (CBT) will provide strategies to help  manage mood swings.  

It is vital for individuals to recognise these symptoms and/or for family members and friends to notice  changes in behaviour and mood and help the individual to seek help as soon as possible. Help is  available and will allow the individual to continue their productive, full lives and prevent unnecessary  tragedy.  

For further support, book a private appointment with a Menopause specialist at myTamarin


Suicides in the UK, (2018)  

How to eat yourself happy, (2023) 

Exercise, (2023)

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