How to nail your nanny profile photo

Published: 01/04/2020

Your profile is almost complete, but there is one crucial thing missing – your photo. This is the first thing that parents see, so it is important to nail your nanny photo make a good first impression.

By following these 6 guidelines, you'll end up with a winning photo that parents will be drawn to:

1. Smile!

This means no pouting! Parents are looking to bring someone into their home to care for their most prized possession – their children. A smile makes you appear personable and friendly rather than stern and intimidating. Try to relax as this will help you to appear at ease and open

2. Stand against a plain white background

While you may have some lovely pictures of you sightseeing or travelling, don’t recycle these for your profile. A busy background distracts from what the parents want to see – you. Standing against a plain white background makes you look like the professional we know you are.

3. Have just your head and shoulders in frame

Think passport style. Full length photos make it difficult to see your face and, again, can be distracting. This isn’t a fashion shoot, we don’t need to see your outfit.

4. Don’t crop photos

Cropping photos and zooming in just makes them blurry. Parents like to see that you have taken time and effort into making your profile look good. They can tell if you have just cropped your friend out of the frame and taken no real thought.

5. Dress neatly

No low cut tops! And no huge false eyelashes! Remember, you are trying to get a job, you aren’t going to a party. Dress modestly and presentably. Make up is fine, but just your minimal day to day look.

6. Don’t take a selfie

While selfies might be fine for Instagram, they do not look professional when you are trying to secure a job. 

And finally... Can you spot the winning photos?!


Now that you've nailed your nanny photo, it's time to start preparing for your next interview.

Check out our blogs How to ace the nanny interview and The 6 most tricky nanny interview questions for some more top tips.

Tamarins are monkeys who parent in family groups – like a village – helping each other while children are small.

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