How to organise your nanny duties

Published: 07/10/2022

Organisation is a crucial part of being a nanny and ensuring a smooth and successful day for both you and the children that are in your care. Within this blog we will discuss establishing a routine, explore tips on creating a routine and organising your duties as a nanny and discuss the importance of flexibility. This blog will provide you with practical advice and tips to help you organise your busy schedule. 

Establishing a good routine 

An important part of being a nanny is organising duties in order to have a smooth and successful day. Having a good routine gives people stability and a consistent pattern of activities - which is also very important for children. Organising duties enables the nanny to ensure that she can get all of her tasks done while also ensuring that the children are having a fun and engaging day.

Tips for creating your routine/organising your duties 

It is important to establish how much time you have and what you need to get done everyday. Have a plan for what you need to accomplish. This could involve setting up a daily and weekly schedule. A weekly schedule could outline which larger task you are going to complete e.g Monday you do laundry etc

Here are our top three tips for organising your nanny duties. 

  1. Plan in advance! You can base your schedules around set events such as meal times, nursery/school, nap times and any prearranged classes. This allows you to ensure that you don’t miss anything and keep track.
  2. Block out times during children’s naps or school/nursery time to do large tasks such as laundry, any tidying, meal preparation or errands.
  3. Write out your to do list and tick them off as you complete them.

 Your schedule may look something like this (this may vary greatly depending on the age of the children or time of year)

8am: breakfast and getting ready for the day 

9am-11am: playdate 

12pm-2pm: lunch and nap (during nap- change bedsheets and laundry)

3pm: Messy play activity 

4pm: walk and afternoon snack 

5pm: dinner preparation 

6pm: dinner and playtime before parents come home

The importance of flexibility 

While establishing and maintaining your schedule allows you to organise your duties and keep on top of your tasks, as a nanny it is still important to be flexible. It is essential to stay adaptable to the needs of the children. For example; if a child suddenly becomes unwell it is more important to adapt to the needs of children rather than making sure the laundry has been done. Part of the fun and excitement of being a nanny is that everyday is different. So while it is important to ensure that you are organised and complete your duties as a nanny it is essential to be flexible and have fun with the day!

We hope that this blog post has been helpful to assist you in establishing a good routine, creating to do lists/schedules and thinking about the importance of flexibility!

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